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Updated COVID Regulations and Guidance

Dear Performing Arts Group Leaders, 

It is great to be back on campus again!   I am meeting some of you for the first time and others I haven’t seen in almost 2 years.  It feels great to be sharing the same spaces with you again.  As the saying goes, with this new freedom comes great responsibility.  We at Platt House and the PAC Shop are doing everything we can to follow University rules and common sense to keep everything open and available for student performing arts groups.  To maintain everyone’s safety, Penn has instituted Covid-19 mitigation requirements.  These requirements include vaccination, masks, testing, and participating in Penn’s Open Pass application.  We are also asking everyone to safely space your activities, take breaks, and end rehearsals ten minutes early to add for air flow in between groups using spaces.  As a result, Platt House and the PAC Shop will also be following all of these requirements and expect nothing less from every user and group in their use of Platt House or other facilities on campus.

In addition, we strongly encourage each organization to gauge the comfort levels of their members and add any additional mitigation efforts as they see fit.  We also encourage maintaining some level of hybrid participation such as Zoom classes and meetings to offset the number of in-person activities.

All organizations planning any in-person performing arts activities should designate at least two Health Marshalls again to ensure these rules and guidelines are being followed while indoors. This applies to rehearsal, performance, tech, and any other group activities. Please see below for more specific information. Please complete this form to register at least two members of your group who will serve as Health Marshalls. 

We will be in touch with additional guidelines for performances in the coming weeks. 

Failure to comply with these regulations could result in loss of space usage in our facilities, being reported to the University’s Covid response team, and possibly demerits for groups within PAC. 

Please complete activities in the safest ways possible to hopefully keep them in person. If group members are uncomfortable with in-person activities, their membership status should not be jeopardized, and groups should find ways to make their activities accessible.

Be sure all members of your groups/parties are aware of all the regulations above and that everyone adheres to them. 

Please note: these protocols are per current University guidance. Regulations could change at any time. Please keep an eye on any communication related to Covid protocols. 

We will keep providing guidance on how to best follow these rules, but please comply.  We want to stay in this together.


Lolita Jackson, E’89

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