Dear PAC,
Platt House Staff and PAC Exec are pleased to announce that Outdoor Rehearsals will be allowed starting Tuesday, February 9th. Groups may apply for one 45-minute rehearsal per week for the next three weeks. We will be able to expand this IF everything goes smoothly and all rules are followed and no COVID outbreaks occur due to careless behavior by performing arts groups.
The information you need is below. All groups must designate 2 health marshals who will ensure that the rules are understood by the groups, followed, and that everyone is subscribed and using Penn Open Pass. All rehearsals will be monitored by Platt Staff and Allied Guards to check Open Pass and other protocols. Please be sure to read the guidelines prior to completing the reservation request. Remember the masks, distance, and shortened time together followed by sanitation and honest open pass reporting will mitigate risk.
The schedule will be confirmed by Monday night.
A MANDATORY HEALTH MARSHALL MEETING will be held on MONDAY, February 8th at 7:30pmEST. More details to come, but please put this on your calendars.
Thank you in advance for cooperating with all the rules so we can have some time together.