Celebrate Student Performing Arts at Carnegie Hall!

Platt House’s signature Carnegie Hall showcase lights up New York City with an unforgettable night of talented student ensembles presenting song, dance, and comedy.

The much-awaited event at this prestigious venue brings together students, friends, and family, reuniting performing arts alumni with their own fond Penn memories and often introducing them to newer groups who have emerged to dazzle Penn’s stages. 

Throwback to:     2023   |   2022   |   2021   |   2019   |   2018

Next up: Carnegie 2025!

As of 2024, our Carnegie Hall showcase has switched to a biannual schedule and will occur on alternating years. We look forward to announcing the application process and the next lineup of performers for December 2025!

Performer Applications Coming Soon!

The next Carnegie Hall showcase is coming up in December 2025! Applications for student groups who are interested in performing will open in the Spring 2025 semester.

To make sure your group is notified when applications open, send updated group rosters to your PAC subcommittee chairs and Platt House Staff, or upload them to the Update Your Group Contacts form.

Applications for the 2023 Carnegie Hall showcase are now open!

What do you need to know before applying for the 2023 Carnegie Hall Showcase?

Who can perform? Any Penn student performing arts group who has not performed in the past two years of Carnegie Hall shows is eligible to apply. Past shows have included dance, a cappella, instrumental music, musical theatre and short theatre scenes, sketch comedy, and spoken word – however, student performing arts groups of all genres and practices are invited! Please note that there are significant limitations to the amount of scenic items, stage transition time, and amplified sound setup that are feasible on the Zankel Hall stage. For bands and theatre troupes, this may require modifications from your usual show configurations or styles. Please be in touch with us at platthouse@pobox.upenn.edu so that we can explain how these limitations might affect your proposed performance before you submit your application.

What is the time commitment? This event will take place on Friday, December 8th, 2023. Performers will be bussed to New York in the late morning and will return on buses late that evening. Please note that December 8 is during the last full week of classes and the last weekend of the PAC show season. If your group schedules afternoon or evening performances that day, you may be ineligible to attend this year. There will always be next year! If you are not sure whether the timing of your show makes your group ineligible, please contact Platt House at platthouse@pobox.upenn.edu.
Your group members may also have other commitments conflicting with this date. Please poll your members for their availability before submitting your application.  Keep in mind that Carnegie’s Zankel Hall limits us to 18 performers on the stage at a time, so larger groups might not be performing with their full membership.

What are the obligations of participating? The 5-7 groups who are selected for this event will be required to help market this so that their alumni, families, and peers are in the audience. This will be an active effort to develop contact lists and reach out to prospective ticketbuyers. Please read the application thoroughly and make sure your group is prepared to meet these responsibilities.  

What are the COVID safety measures for the event? It is still too early to know what to expect for transmission rates, infection levels, and safety measures in December. However, the COVID policies will be aligned with both Penn’s and Carnegia Hall’s safety protocols. During high-transmission timeframes in the past, this has included all audience members and performers presenting vaccine cards and performers presenting proof of a negative PCR test before the event.

What is the timeline for application? The application for a performance slot is due Wednesday, June 14th, 2023. Please contact us as early as possible if your group may need an extension. After review by a committee comprised of current staff, producers, and alumni, applicants will be notified of the results by mid-August.

What if I have more questions? Contact platthouse@pobox.upenn.edu with your questions. Make sure your group has updated PAC-Rep listserv contacts to make sure you stay in the loop.

Penn Returns to Carnegie Hall on Friday, December 8th, 2023!


Friday, December 8th, 7:30pm

View Carnegie Hall’s health and safety information.
All ticket proceeds support the cost for student groups to perform and attend this event.

VIP Tickets: $250

The first five rows at Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall are for our VIP ticket buyers. VIP tickets include a pre-show reception (more details coming soon). Your purchase of VIP tickets helps defray the costs of providing this extraordinary opportunity to the student performers.

VIP tickets are sold through the Penn Live Arts website.  

General Admission Tickets: $84-$119

General Admission tickets will be sold through the Carnegie Hall website. 

Discounted tickets, priced between $40-65, are available to current students and Penn alumni under 30. Groups of 8 or more can receive a 15% discount on ticket prices.

To purchase discounted tickets, please contact Joshua Slatko at josh@punim.net.


VIP Tickets: $250

The first five rows at A Toast to Dear Old Penn are for our VIP ticket buyers. VIP tickets include a pre-show reception (more details coming soon). Your purchase of VIP tickets helps defray the costs of providing this extraordinary opportunity to the student performers.

VIP tickets are sold through the Penn Live Arts website.  

General Admission Tickets: $75-$110

General Admission tickets will be sold through the Carnegie Hall website. 

Discounted tickets are available to current students, Penn alumni under 30, and General Admission Ticket groups of 8 or more.
For more information, please contact Joshua Slatko at josh@punim.net.

Celebrate Student Performing Arts 2023

Our fifth showcase on the Zankel stage brought together alumni, families, and friends for the Carnegie Hall debut of 8 brand new groups, plus one familiar favorite! This show featured Off the Beat, Simply Chaos, Penn Masti, Quadramics Theatre Company, Fuerza, PennSori, Soundworks Tap Factory, and a joint performance of Penn Dance and the Penn Glee Club.

A Toast to Dear Old Penn 2022

December 2022 saw a landmark year of stunning performances, including our first Independent Groups and our first instrumental set in the lineup. A Toast To Dear Old Pen 2022 featured seven Penn student performing arts groups: Arts House Dance CompanyiNtuitons Experimental Theatre, Penn Atma, Penn Jazz Ensemble, Penn Lions, WAVe (West African Vibe), and a combined set from The Pennchants and The Quaker Notes.

A Toast to Dear Old Penn 2021

A Toast To Dear Old Penn

After a remote winter due to pandemic lockdowns the previous year, Platt House was thrilled to invite friends, family, and alumni to this gorgeous stage in safe, in-person celebration. A Toast To Dear Old Pen 2021 featured seven Penn student performing arts groups: Bloomers ComedyDischord A CappellaThe Excelano ProjectMask and WigPenn DhamakaPennYo A Cappella, and Onda Latina.

A Toast to Dear Old Penn 2019

Moving to the larger venue of Zankel Hall for the first year, A Toast to Dear Old Penn: Live from Carnegie Hall returned on December 14 2019 to standing ovations. Eight Penn student performing arts groups, BloomersCounterpartsPenn Glee ClubThe Inspirationthe Mask and Wig Club, Pan-Asian Dance TroupePenn Singers, and Strictly Funk took the stage for another evening of song, dance, and comedy.

A Very Quaker Holiday 2018

On a Saturday night in December 2018, Penn’s first Carnegie Hall showcase lit up New York City  with  an unforgettable night of song, dance, and comedy. Produced by Platt House’s Advisory Council and the Penn PARC Initiative, and hosted by performing arts alumn Lolita Jackson (E’89), the inaugural event brought together alumni, friends, and family to cheer on the featured student ensembles making their New York debuts. A Very Quaker Holiday featured Arts House Dance CompanyBloomers Comedy, Counterparts A Cappella, the Penn Glee Cluband the Mask and Wig Club.