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2024 Student Performing Arts Awards

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Please join us at the
Student Performing Arts Awards Celebration
and Alumni Reception

Friday, May 17th @ 3pm – 5pm, 
Platt House Lobby

Join Platt House on Friday, May 17th for our annual Student Performing Arts Award Celebration! The reception will include delicious food and the student award ceremony. We will present senior awards and the community service award, and we will honor students who have won performing arts and entertainment summer internship awards. This is a great chance for alumni to connect with current students, to learn about their impact on the performing arts and how the performing arts has helped shape their time at Penn. See you there!
If you are a student award winner, RSVP to attend the event or let us know if you cannot make it, so we can mail you your certificate.


Platt House’s main entrance uses a staircase. An ADA accessible entry pathway is available through the Stouffer Commons entrance, located nearby. Please reach out to our staff at for help with these or any other accommodations!

Meet the 2024 Award Winners

Announcing the winner of the Stephen Goff Award:

Colin Ly, C’24

Penn Glee Club Band, Penn Jazz, Penn Symphony Orchestra

The Stephen Goff Award for Student Performing Arts, presented by the Mask and Wig Club, is awarded to a graduating senior demonstrating commitment and leadership in the student performing arts. The 2024 Award goes to Colin Ly for outstanding mentorship, intentionality, and community building throughout his time at Penn. 

Holding multiple board positions (Penn Glee Club Band Director and Club Peer Conflict Committee Chair, Penn Jazz Vice President, and Penn Symphony Orchestra Principal Clarinet) as well as performing in several student ensembles, pit orchestras, and bands, Colin has been instrumental in uplifting these organizations’ music and musicians alike. 

Beginning college during the height of the pandemic, Colin took it upon himself to help build up his communities, seeking to make musical annotation more accessible, revitalize community service initiatives, and streamline feedback and communication within student groups. Colin has shown a deep care for the longevity of his clubs and their members, serving as a constant mentor and always willing to lend a hand, lead a room, fix a broken instrument, or jam on some sweet tunes.

Announcing the winner of the Möller Fresnel Award:

Michael Lentskevich, W’24

List of memberships here

The Möller Fresnel Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Tech Community is awarded to highlight and elevate the contributions of a technician in the senior class who selflessly supports, builds, and elevates the tech community. The 2024 Award goes to Michael Lentskevich, honoring his 4 years of dedicated and impassioned advocacy, mentorship, and support to students in the tech booth and on the stage.

Michael has been lighting shows for practically every PAC group since his first semester on campus. Michael also stepped in this year to serve as our PAC Tech chair, and has hosted a multitude of tech trainings for all skill levels. He has elevated any production he worked on. Thank you, Michael, for all you did for the PAC Community!

Announcing the winner of the Francis Johnson Baton Award:

The University of Pennsylvania Glee Club

After School Arts at Penn, Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Ronald McDonald House, and engagement with High Schools in West Philadelphia

The Francis Johnson Baton Award recognizes a student performing arts group demonstrating meaningful and consistent community service. The 2024 Award goes to the Penn Glee Club, who poured exceptional thought, labor, and intentionality towards community building through aid, service, and outreach on campus and throughout Philadelphia. This work, their activities have included free and fund-raising performances for children at local schools, families in medical centers, and the participants of the After School Arts at Penn program at Platt House.

We thank the Glee Club for sharing the power of their collective voices to bring healing and joy to our city!

Announcing the winners of the Wallace and Whinnery Summer Internship Awards:

 Jessica Leckart, W’25

Wharton Media and Entertainment Club, Not Mister Purple, Reach at Penn, Social Planning and Events Committee

The George & Jane Wallace Summer Performing Arts Internship Award provides one Penn undergraduate with funds to support a summer internship in a professional performing arts or related entertainment organization. The 2024 Award goes to Junior Jessica Leckart, who will gain first-hand experience this summer working with BBC Studios in New York City and building a future career in media and entertainment.

Molly McCaffrey, C’26

Theatre Arts Council student groups, Penn Live Arts Advisory Council

The Peter Whinnery Summer Arts Internship Award provides one Penn undergraduate with funds to support a summer internship in a theatre arts related field. The 2024 Award goes to Sophomore Molly McCaffrey, who will pursue development, production, and arts administration work in New York and Philadelphia this summer.

Congratulations to our graduating seniors!

The Senior Spotlight Awards

These Seniors are awarded a Spotlight Award by their peers, in gratitude for their vision, creative excellence, and impact on the performing arts community. You inspire us. We can’t wait to see you shining your light out in the world beyond Penn!

Click on each image below to read testimonies from the peers who nominated these seniors.